Sunday, March 1, 2009

"just IM me tonight so we can talk about it"

The Internet has enabled us to stay better connected than ever and has changed our society as we know it. Before its convenience and accessibility, global business would otherwise be impossible. People are able to connect instantaneously from across the world and can have video conferences to talk business- all while saving time, money, and effort. How would we ever get anything done if the major companies of the world needed to physically meet? It has not only helped us with business relations, but it has also affected how we interact socially. People would have thought we were crazy just a few years ago, if they heard of people starting romantic relationships through the Internet on site like

However, the Internets influence in social relationships today is undeniable. I know through my own experience, talking to people through instant messaging has allowed me to get to know them better (and faster!) and I have been able to reconnect with people who I would have otherwise lost all contact with. Still, I know my experience is not unique. In fact, recently there has been commercials for Dentyne gum that play off this trend in our culture:

I think this commercial sums up how technology and the Internet has changed us. Although the Internet has been a catalyst for certain relationships, its unnerving to think how we have to remind ourselves to have more actual contact. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives and the transforming culture that we do forget to "make face time."


  1. You need to use the link icon so your readers can link to the YouTube. Linking is a big plus on the Internet and a part of blogging successfully. Recall the icon in the menu above the window where you write your post?

  2. I completely agree that the Internet has allowed our generation to be much more connected than previous generations. But older generations fail to understand that the Internet and social networking sites keep this generation more connected. older generations do not realize the amount of teenagers that use the Internet for communication and socializing. When college students meet new people at a party, they both immediatelt expect to become "online friends." And once they become online friends they usually get to talking and get to know eachother a lot faster than having to wait for face to face oppurtunities. I can't imagine what is was like before there were telephones. Can you imagine having to write letters and wait several days for a response? I don't think so. But that is one fall back of the Internet, it has made this generation much more impatient. I also agree that Internet communication has improved the connectedness of International businesses. People are able to connect instantaneously from across the world and can have video conferences to talk business- all while saving time, money, and effort.
